It's that time again. The firemen have just has a four hour strike. And now we have teachers about to go on strike.
Our school is staying open but years 8,9 & 10 will be at home for the day. One of the students in my class suggested that she didn't think that teachers should be going on strike as we should be glad just to have a job.
Light blue touch paper and stand back.
"Really!" By Tuesday teachers will be hated round the country as parents find that they have to take time off work as for many parents we are not the providers of education for their children but a glorified baby sitting service for their kids. the kids who they don't want to look after for six weeks in the summer holidays. the kind of parents who will be calling tv and radio stations to say they don't know how to entertain their kids for six weeks and this is all the fault of the teachers rather than their own ability to act as educators and fun providers for their own kids.....just wait folks....once you get what you want....shorter summer holidays and the tour companies put an extra 20% on summer holiday prices because you ain't gonna get six weeks of flights into four weeks of holidays, you are going to complain about that and start taking your kids out of school so that you can go on a cheap holiday and then you are going to complain about the fines to do it.
electricity costs go up, gas costs go up petrol costs go up, food costs go up, everyone wants more from us and as we sit here with our miserly pay which doesn't go up any where near as much.
We are not appreciated by the government as if we fail to reach targets, it is all out fault and if we reach them the papers are too easy or the exams need to be changed.
We are not appreciated by the parents who think that they can do better than us but not one of them wants to come in and try.
We are not appreciated by the school who expect us to do more and more for less and less.
We are not appreciated by the students, many who have no expectations and can't see the need for an education knowing that they will get handouts for failing for the rest of their lives.
The fact that I need to go to work to provide the money that you get to keep you on the dole because you couldn't be bothered to study and appreciate the privilege of education that I give you and you will spend your time complaining that you don't get enough whilst I have to live to match my means.
Sometimes being ignorant can't be cured by education.