Not that I'm ever grumpy.....well ok. I do have a tendency to "go off on me every now and again but I feel that good subject matter deserves a full rant.
Toilet rolls.
Surely not a controversial subject....think again.
I get it in the ear frequently from the other side of the bed when things are untidy. "The sink is full of dirty dishes" Yes...but I put all of mine in the dishwasher and ran it and put the dishes away, in the correct place,
"There's dirty laundry all over the place" ....Yes but mine is in the laundry basket, or in the washing machine where I put it, or on the line where I hung it up or in the laundry pile where I have folded it up having sorted it out and placed it in the appropriate room.
"There's cat hair on the chair and chicken poo outside the back door".... Yes but.....I'm not responsible for either of those and I have proof.
But toilet rolls.
How can they be upsetting?
I rest my case. The downstairs toilet. Do we have any idea what should be done with these after they have been finished? We are beyond the Blue Peter stage so there is no need to keep them.
The environmental amongst us could venture into the big room where all the weather happens to find the recycling bin.
Surely everything must be all right in the kitchen.
Sadly not. Obviously some kitchen emergency has required all the available kitchen roll and the long walk to the under stairs cupboard -in the kitchen, where all the spares live has proved TOO arduous a task.
Life in the upstairs toilet must be ok?
Sadly not. Alas there are issues ...and no tissues there.
OK , I give in. I will go and get a spare pack off loo rolls.
Have come home to find this. Whilst a toilet roll is in place. 'Er in doors bought a loo roll which hold three spares...which is in fact the exact amount discarded on the floor in the shredded plastic wrapping, possibly detracting from the ambiance.

And here's one I've prepared earlier. Lovely.
Dear family,
Can we please try and replace what you use
Toilet roll lives in a bag on the shelf in the outhouse
Kitchen roll lives in the kitchen cupboard.
If you wish to save the environment can you put these rolls in the green bin that lives outside the front of the house, not just leave them where they are and expect them to move by themselves.
If there are no replacements then please feel free to let mother or I know.
Please do not leave a "surprise" for the next person to use the toilet.
Next time there will be a "buckets of blood" story filling the bathroom in a crimson tidal wave of despair.......and I can assure you that it won't be happening to me!