Monday, 28 December 2015

Christmas time-Mistletoe and wine

Cliff Richard...did he have Christmas right? Mistletoe and wine? Looking at yet more pictures of drunken folks in the streets of the U.K. Too much wine and not enough energy or consciousness left to worry about mistletoe. Children singing christian rhyme? Probably not, as we live in a world where we are ashamed to be Christian or at least told that we should be because by being Christian we don't want to offend anyone by your Christian existence. Adverts removed from cinemas for being too Christian and schools end of term assembly's full of Christmas songs but not a carol on sight. With logs on the fire and gifts on the tree? Well if there were logs on the fire, most of the north is underwater so them logs are going to be floatations aids. And gifts on the tree? Children are seen on YouTube filmed by their ....Er....loving parents having tantrums because Santa didn't bring the right phone or the upto date version of their favourite computer game....seriously no hope. Do these parents not realise that the tantrum is caused by their inability to guide their children well through life and that their poor behaviour and tantrums is a direct response to their poor parenting img skills now that their child's consumer desires have exceeded the parents ability to pay for them. Time to rejoice in the good that we see? Well not a lot of good around at the moment. Floods in the uk and South America, tornados killing in the USA and widfires in the US and Australia. Noddy Holder did say Merry Christmas Everyone....not sure that we are all feeling the festive love.