Saturday, 26 March 2016

Country to Country

What does a middle aged bloke do to keep himself happy? Why turn up at the O2 Arena for three days of country music, that's what.

I decided to drive in and park the the wife who was in London anyway working. Thomas Rhett, Dwight Yoakam and Miranda Lambert opened Friday night plus Chalie Esten from Nashville doing a couple of songs on the mini stage.
Little bBig Town were sensational.

Thomas Rhett opened up proceedings.

I went last year got the two days of concerts and have been looking forward so much to this year. So much so that I bought a second ticket so that I could bring m girls on different nights?

Carrie Underwood played all her hits.

Saturday night was me and the Bear......Maddie and Tae, Sam Hunt, Little Big Town and Carrie Underwood kept us entertained. I was feeling so good, I even bought a pair of cowboy boots....... Need to get some extra cushioning ask my poor tootsies are straight into very hard leather.


Sunday was Gabi's turn, we enter in early to make a bit of a day of it. Saw some good new acts on the smaller free stages and Old Dominion on the Radio 2 them, heard a lot of their stuff.

Chris Stapleton, Casey Musgraves and Eric Church closed the weekend to remember.

Ilona, Bulgarias finest country star....

Gabi found the beer tent part of the day....

Old Dominion who gave us a lesson in American English. don't get Band aids over here....


Saturday, 5 March 2016


....don't plans to be arrested....yet....more concerned with the ability of the ladies that I live with to understand that the blue lights on the front f the dishwasher ...when accompanied by an almost eerie silence do not mean " do nothing, do not approach this device, leave it to the professionals luv, the Sweeney will deal with it....once we've 'ad our dinner...."

Whilst I respect the attempt to stack dishes "tower of Hanoi" style so that they are remarkable vertical and taking up the minimum amount of mums cherished worktop space, the blue lights do in fact mean that

A) the washing cycle of the previous set of dishes that had also Been stacked neatly in a similar manner and that had been entered into the dark cavern which the ladies seem to fear in a Mordor like manner by me.....again.....has now ended and

B) the new tower of joy can now be entered into the darkness for a more than soul cleansing experience.

....ladies...whilst I may apologise for the occasional pair of briefs that float across the room and miss the laundry basket by slipping behind it....please feel free to ask how you can be of service with the dishwasher.


I hate to think that, like Master Frodo Baggins, formerly of the Shire, that I alone, have the one ring to rule them all and so am the only one who knows how to opperte a kitchen appliance.

Dear Marge, any clues how I can move this forward?


Friday, 4 March 2016

What a load of rubbish?


Paper, bottles, tissues, laddered tights, wax covered cotton buds and so the list goes on. the employ Coke can, the 3/4 full bottle of water that you meant to go back and finish but you can't remember how long ago I u bought it...need I go on.

They all end up in the waste paper keys in our house.

The kitchen has it's own black bag in a big bin look and is constantly filled, emptied and refilled in the end.ess cycle of rubbish and recycling.

So dear Lord, can anyone explain why, when the bin is full, not just full but squashed down tight and then reloaded with unwanted flotsam and jetsam, that the wimmen folk in my house believe that the only thing to do is to keep piling stuff ON TOP of what is already there?

"I could empty that full and overflowing bin that is causing disaster and despair in every upstairs room on the house but I choose to wait for the mysterious work of the lesser spotted bin fairy to empty it." say they who create rubbish.

I have to come round and empty these bins which are in some cases set out like an environmentally NON friendly game of Jenga. So that the recycling circle of life can go on again.

....and whilst I am at it....don't get me on to the used cotton buds that always end up "near to " the upstairs bathroom bin but never actually in it.

Nobody is ever seen missing the bin with the waxed up cotton builds.


....but again I can't remember the wedding vows going......Bobby, do you promise to love, cherish, honour and pick cotton buds up from that annoying little bit to the side of the bin but behind the plinths in the bathroom.

Dear fellow waste paper bin empties around the world....I feel your pain.