Monday, 20 June 2016

Why do we have to dumb language down for people with a short....

.....attention span?


It could be you!

The inability to read a whole sentence do we need to shorten things so that we keep people interested?

We merge words so that we can work with the Twitter limited symbol generation.

My daughter said that she wanted time to "chillax" this summer.

Even as I type, my autocorrect tells me that to "chillax" is only SO wrong.

To chill and ro relax! Is it just me or are they not actually the same thing?

Can I chill when I am working flat out?

Can I relax when I am not chilling....what is the opposite of chilling...please don't make up another merged word to describe it.....

The resulting chillax sounds like the murder weapon in a Scandinavian murder novel.

Which brings me sadly to Brexit.

Why for Britain to make a decision to leave the EEC do we have to abbreviate words?

Is it because the leave campaign is targeting young voters who gave no idea about financial security and history and base their opinions on what the Kardashians think.......apparently Kim wants to stay in but Khloe wants to leave, Caitlin Jenner can't decide.........

For those who want to remain....I think I did hear someone mention the Bremain campaign......but it was probably someone from the leave campaign looking for balance or a journalist who should have their credentials removed and not returned till they complete a proper novel.

I worry for the for the beauty that is the English language and wait to hear that words like jurisprudence becomes jupru........the end is night people.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

ISIS F.C, violence and Euro 2016

When it comes to terrorism, the best thing about it is the things that we, the public never get to hear about. The work of the police and other agencies stops loads of possible terrorist attacks everyday but they never make the news. People do work that we never know about so that we can go about our lives with a little less fear.

ISIS or IS as we now seem to call them....(.are they trying to be fashionable and hip with the kids by shortening their names....does it make them more popular on Twitter ...soz IS ...) like making statements so staging a football event for 24 countries to travel to France and move about on a daily basis for a month in a country where they managed to commit the Paris atrocities must be a policing nightmare, a fact that would take up all of Europes policing to keep the fans safe.....

......"what was that you say....some fans don't want to be safe?"

Riots in the street, pubs set on fire, fighting in sections of the ground, people fighting people from other countries...or sometimes their own country, flares thrown onto the pitch....that one gets me....... I can't see the point in do you manage to smuggle those in?


So rather than worry about where the next idiotic act of organised terrorism comes from, the police and authorities are spending their resources stopping the people they are trying to protect from beating merry hell out of eachother.

What does this prove?

Is football violence a European problem....the World Cups in South Africa and Brazil weren't like this?

Does having 24 teams invited to one country bring a lot of old nationalistic hatred and old rivalries that the 8 country competition never did?

Is the qualification for the knockout stages going to be based on fan arrests rather than points and goal difference...looking forward to seeing the addition to league tables next season.

Does Interpol have their own version of the Panini sticker book where they swop pictures, I'll swop you 5 Muslim extremists for thirty Russian ultras....

I don't envy the authorities in France and across Europe their jobs this month.

Remember we don't talk about air safety everyday......only when mechanical or electrical failure causes a plane crash that could have been picked up by a mechanic or electrician who missed some small detail.

Let's have a football tournament where we are NOT talking about terrorism ....or events around the pitch.... In case you have been arrested, hospitalised, extradited from France or are currently hidden away planning other disruptions....there is actually some impressive football going on....but you were probably never interested in the first place.