When the air conditioning broke in a New York MacDonalds, punters still had to be wheel chaired out from exhaustion. 107 degrees people! That's like climbing into the deep fat frier WITH your quarter pounder folks
I enjoyed looking at the length of the queues. The queue at the chilly salad bar down the lane was nominal.
I love the guy who shows concern for the woman being wheeled out....but not enough to stop himself swigging a coffee to wash down his meal.
The woman has feinted in 107 degree heat.....vest good idea....long trousers not so good for dispersing the heat. The fact that the poor woman has had to be restrained in the chair.
This is not a matter of health and safety, but the fact that she had collapsed after she had paid but before she received her meal and was an attempt to stop her re-entering the building.
I love the protesters who are deciding to protest about the heat INSIDE the 107 degree hell hole rather than warn prospective burger junkies outside.
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