We got three VERY fed-up wives to try...Three annoyed women give brutal assessments of their scruffy husbandsThey then give them a makeover? Do their husband's agree with their style choices?And will their marriages improve as a result? The refrain can be heard in middle-class homes across Britain. 'Why do you always look so slobby? Why don’t you dress up for me any more?' Yes, most men are letting their wives down when it comes to looking good in their 40s, 50s and beyond. And it can become a big source of tension in some marriages. Here, three annoyed women give brutal assessments of their scruffy husbands before subjecting them to a makeover. But will their marriages improve as a result?
This is a Daily Mail article. Reading the "slobby" comments....you will guess it was written by a female reporter and in the Femail section. Mind you it was the headline article in the Mail online so it must have been a bad news day. No war, terrorism or flooding to report on which is always good.
Men in their 40's and 50's..... Well I suppose that's me.....I'm probably the Tshirt of the third bloke and the shorts of the second......mind you looking at the first bloke...is there something wrong with a plain short sleeved shirt and a pair of cream chinos? Maybe his wife has higher expectations....if so she's asking for trouble.
So what am I wearing! Ah! Well there's the pink shorts and light green Tshirt....currently with a variety of painting, wood staining and other assorted marks.
They may have a point. But then again, I am working so I have an excuse. I don't think that Dolce and Gabana do a gardening range...mind you, if they did I'm not sure it would sell. I'm in the back garden, on my own ( except for the chickens and cats and they're not complaining)
Do I have a wardrobe filled with suits an shirts? Yes I do. Trouble is that the waistline is currently keeping some of them at bay in the trouser department. Anyway, I wear a suit at work 5 days a week. Have a range of nice ironed slim fit shirts and a plethora of nice ties and a conveyor belt of shoes.
I don't go out much so I suppose that I don't make enough of an effort in that area. Faded, stonewashed jeans is my tried and tested go to trouser of choice. (Wife hates them, prefers a dark blue but that's not me.)
Perfect example of the couples above and why women love Gok Wan. All women love a bit of Gok. Is it just a case of husbands and wife's having different taste. (REALLY! That's never happened before) If you look at the picture above it's interesting that none of the women are wearing jogging bottoms, a trouser suit or some equal fashion monstrosity. It's as if they knew that they were all going to be photographed so chose an eye catching shade of plain red for comparison......as I said....written by a women, for women to make men look inferior.
Mrs Head if Maths is normally well dressed. There are a few things that I have voiced opinions about over the years......you don't make 22 years of marriage by criticising TOO often.
Fashion is a matter of taste (and in some cases finance) I would live to be let loose in some of London's finer gentleman's clothes shops but wouldn't look forward to the bill at the end of the exercise.
'Er indoors doesn't mind a tshirt but doesn't wear anything with a logo....which is just about most of my drawer filled with Primark's finest....you just can't can't say no to the £3.00 Tshirt. ......oh and if it's in a sale.
I like bright colours....but normally only one at a time. One bright item and everything else fades to black or cream.
I have bought some light summer trousers (golfing trousers but loose fitting and light in the summer heat. Bought purple and blue pairs too...... just need to be brave enough to accessorise well ahead to avoid the probable look coming from the other side of the bedroom.
Yes. This article is about me and thousands of other men across the country.
Word of warning ladies. You wish for your husband to dress better. So when he dresses better and other women wish to flirt with him in social or work situations are you prepared for that.
I want to see these women in an article in a years time when their husbands have left them for younger women (isn't that why middle aged men take an interest in what they wear?) and taken their wardrobes full of designer, close fitting gear into their penthouse apartment with the young floozy.
Be careful what you wish for girls!
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