Sunday, 24 January 2016

Storm Jonas

Linked to "can we have a snow day, we are all excited by the 30-40 inches of snow currently landing on the eastern seaboard of the USA. We don't want to appear envious but can you just keep some of the snow and head over the Atlantic. The "storm of a generation" is what storm Jonas is being referred to. Nowadays we seem to have one of those a couple of times a year.

,it would be nice....just to have one day....well a couple of days....all right then, a week at home sitting by the fire worrying if we are going to run out of food, watching the dog go mental in the snow for a couple of minutes.

But no.

Living in the flat south of Englandshire, we don't seem to get the fun (or chaos) that other parts of the U.K. have.

But take a minute just to think of someone else.

As America is covered in snow, flights are cancelled and lives are lost, and all I can think of at this time is......



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