Sunday, 29 March 2020

The byways pecking order....

As we get deeper into the pandemic that is corona virus I still take my dog for a walk. Normally at 6 in the morning thus avoiding as many people as possible. Living in the country does have some joys as, unlike cities, I have loads of space to work with. With the parks and communal spaces closes the Flitch way.... the old railway line that is on the other side of the road from my house provides a scenic East-West straight walk.
There are the occasional others seen, even at that time of day. There seems to be a higherarchy of Flitch users. First there is the solo walker or dog walker who is wrapped up warm, occasionally with a dog on a lead who are always capable of a smile and/or a knowing brotherhood of walking nod to fellow walkers.
Then there is the runner. These are normally dressed in something bright neon, frequently a “I finished the .....insert venue here...10K” just to let you know that they are professionals and have done this sh!t seriously. Rarely time for a not for these guys. Oh no, there are times to be met and no socialising to be done.
Then there is the cyclist. The off roader with their thick tyres and supercharged suspension with their muddy fox waterproof top and clingy black Lycra leggings. They need no high visibility gear as they do not go on the road and mingle with the polluting cars that are even higher up the food chain.
No smiles behind their Oakley sports sunglasses, even though it’s 6am only an inconvenient grunt should your pooch stray into their path.
Then there is the horseman. Haven’t seen one yet but the trail of u’s and steaming brown heaps let you know where they have once been.
How do path users fit into this sidewalk social groupings. Is it the amount of gear required to complete the task of going from A to B from comfortable shoes through to lightweight trainers to  5 gazillion speed gear bike or horse and horsey paraphernalia?
Or is it speed? The faster you go the more important your sidewalk status?
I don’t know. I think that in these uncertain times that Me and my dog prefer the silence and social distancing that early mornings bring.

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