Monday, 3 May 2021

Oh to be a teacher .... took less than two weeks of lockdown and homeschooling to get parents to appreciate the role of the teacher.
“I can’t get my kids to do any work” .... so how do you think we feel when we say the same thing to you at parents evening ... if you bother to turn up.
For weeks we rode high on the tidal wave of parental support. Then the Government used their postcode lottery exam algorithm to give grades ....until they decided that teachers knew the kids best so we were back on top again ..... until the predicted grades came in.....

..... but your child has never got a grade better than a two, does no homework and didn’t participate in online learning ....that’s why I didn’t project a 4.
Teachers unions refusing to return to school due to safety fears ..... but we don’t need to wear masks because the Government says so .... back down in the eyes of thdd we public once more.

Lockdown 2 bypassed the teaching profession as we taught through it watching large swathes of students removed from school as each positive case was recorded. 

Mixing classes and online live lessons became the norm. 

Lockdown 3 produced the online and hybrid lessons where we were in school doing online lessons with key workers children in the room.

Now we have no exams, but we must assess the children so we do exams.....but now we have to write the exams, mark the exams, moderate the marking of the exams and get external moderated approval for the exams well as teaching the kids, running Impact anc intervention sessions ....
And now CAGs (Centre Assessed Grades) have become TAGs) the same but for Teachers this time ..... like the government wanted you to know that it was the NHS Test and Trace program (even though it wasn’t)
It’s exhausting.
And it’s not over yet. 
Now the exam Boards have given Grade Descriptors for us to use ..... rather than exam scores based on previous papers that we have already got the children to sit ....

Like changing to the rules of Tennis at half time at Wembley during the cup final.


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