Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Trolls and snowflakes…

….and here we go again.
Dont you just yearn for the day when trolls used to hide under bridges in fairy tails and snowflakes filled the Disney screen in Frozen.
Can anyone tell me the point in either.
The internet was supposed to be a thing of beauty that brought a distant world into our own homes. Now we have the snowflakes who are upset by everything ….. so much so that not only daddy bears hot porridge and mummy bears cold porridge would be nothing compared to the poor consistency of baby bears imported porridge from a non fair trade country that exploits its staff and trolls who just want to upset everyone. Surely they should follow The ethos of Thumper from Bambi ….”if you can’t say something nice -don’t say nothing at all” ….. very deep for a baby rabbit.
Just read an article about the rebranding and naming of movies that have been now deemed dated, outmoded, sexist, racist or to have “looked at a cinema goer in a funny way”


Get a life
History is not to be changed but learned from. Just deal with it!

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