Sunday, 29 August 2021

Left Right Left Right ….. anyone for the middle?

I had always thought that we were all heading towards a world that was more tolerant and inclusive as we learned more from our history and past experiences
…. but sadly no…..

We now live in a world where beliefs are so black or white that nobody notices what’s in the middle.
Brexit -Remain
Covid vaccine - antivaxers/deniers.
BLM - Proud Boys
Taking the knee against racism - online /face to face systemic racial hatred.

We live in a world where rather than learn from our mistakes and make a better world we want to change history rather than change the future.

This week we find that kids books and tv programs are deemed politically incorrect because they reinforce stereotypes of gender inequality and inappropriate role models
Judith Kerrs “The Tiger who came to tea” has been in the firing line. A book that has been entertaining children for 50 years can “encourage rape and harassment”.
And here’s me worrying that it could encourage little girls to open the door to a variety of big cats and just be eaten.
I live in a world where I have never seen a “soap box” and certainly never seen one used for the use of avoiding prosecution for treason by saying something whilst your feet were still on the ground and thus prosecutable.

I guess that the internet is the new soapbox where people think that they have a right to free speech no matter whether their opinions are true or untrue.

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