Sunday, 5 January 2014

Bah humbug!

I've never really been a Christmas person. The older I get the worse I become. Now, when school finishes, the two weeks should provide an oasis in amidst a sea of scholastic turmoil. It doesn't.

I never like the time as I can't really do anything constructive outside, in the garden where I am more at home. At the moment a sizeable chunk of my garden is under the water as the water from nearby fields pours onto my property. this won't be sorted out until the summer when I need to get a digger and a load of drains laid.

The rest of my garden has turned into a muddy quagmire as the combination of chickens and rain (well cared for chickens thanks to my sister in law Averil.) have turned everything I to a brown mess.

The wind has taken care of the rest. My rose arches have been blown down and need to be rebuilt.

All this needing to be resolved at a time when the weather is wet, cold and very, very damp and on the occasion frosty.

With this years Xmas, I hate the fact that with Christmas and new year in the middle of the week! there is never time to actually enjoy Xmas? you need to spend the first weekend doing last minute shopping, Xmas is three days of nothing constructive followed by the weekend of spending and returns! followed by the anticlimax of new Year, why we celebrate the clock turning round I will never understand. we don't actuLly go whoop de do, my car has just done 100,000 miles....birthdays are just one more yrear where you have failed to live up to your dreams and you have less time to actually do the things that you always wanted to do.

Bah humbug will always be my version of Xmas.

Maybe Ebenezer and the grinch had it right.

Kids moaning about the Christmas presents that they didn't get as churches get emptier and emptier and people forget what we are supposed to be celebrating in the first place.

Bah humbug!


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