Saturday, 11 January 2014

Yet more stupid people

God Bless America! home of the brave and land of the stupid people where lawyers will actually back them up!

"No body told me that as I tried to stomp a man to death with my trainers that they could in fact be a lethal weapon!"

" a law suit? Certainly sir, we'll support you and sue the corporate beast for failing to inform you that the items you used as a lethal weapon shouldn't be used as a lethal weapon...that'll be 100 million sir"

IF this were to succeed.... Does it mean that every item that is sold would actually need a warning of please don't use as a Lethal weapon written on it in case some idiot tries to do so?

Imagine buying a teddy bear for your kids and having to buy it with a large picture of a skull and cross bones on it to warn that it shouldn't be used to smother another person with. Packs of Gummi bears having to be shaded in black with writing that says throwing them could take someone's eye out.

If I were Nike....I would be promoting my Jordan airs as being so comfortable and having so much foot support that the pimp was unable to actually kill the victim due to the safety provided by the shoe.

as for the pimp....well he's probably in his cell as we speak receiving mail from one catholic woman who is recently divorced, and another hoping that he has not accepted bread with his peas....although he is quite happy as he currently has access to an unlimited supply of free bright orange onesies!!!


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