Friday, 7 March 2014

Other must have useless items number 172.

When cooking, what is the use or need for the spoon holder? You stir something in the pan on the cooker. When you finish stirring it needs to go somewhere as depending on the material, you cannot leave it in the pan or perched perilously on top of the pan as juices may run down onto the cooking surface.

Then someone had the idea of the spoon holder. That's right, a ceramic item that sits near the cooker for the soul purpose of having a spoon placed onto of it in times of cooking so that the spoon does not make contact with the nasty dirty work surface.

I can just imagine the joy of that brainstorming meeting in the world of things that real humans must have.

"Oh Marjorie, you have just come up with the thing that every woman needs in the kitchen." After several pats on the back and well manicured hands high filing around the kitchen work top....I would have to assume that all of the participants were women as if there had been a bloke in the room...things may have gone differently.

"So what do you do with it when you are not using it then" says the voice of reason from the back.

"Why Nigel, it sits there ready at the side of the cooker waiting to be used."

.......loads of contented beaming and roars of approval ..........

"You mean sitting by the cooker getting covered in everyday germs, the same everyday germs that are covering the work surface any way?"

"Well you would need to wipe it down before you use it" ........

............"you go girl" ............... more high fiveing........

"So in order to stop germs getting into your food you have an extra piece of ceramics sitting on the work surface that needs to be cleaned as well as the work surface before you actually use it?"


"And also if it's just sitting there next to the cooker, is it not covering valuable work surface space in an already crowded kitchen?" ............more whispers......

"Well Nigel, I suppose that you could keep it in a nearby drawer or cupboard so that it was ready for use."

.....a squeal and more murmurs of approval......

"So does that not mean that it takes up even more valuable space in an already crowded cupboard?"

.......a few whispers and then silence........

"And what happens if you are using more than one spoon as I believe that you frequently have more than one pan on the go at the cooker at any one time of....would there not be cross contamination or mixing of flavours in the spoon holder?"

.......uncomfortable silence.......

......"you could have a second spoon holder!""..............

"Thus taking up twice as much surface space or cupboard space"

..........deathly silence ................

"And would these spoon holders also not need to be cleaned and washed and sterilised after any cooking ready for the next meal thus making extra work in the kitchen?"

"......................silences surrounding a plethora of slumped shoulders ...........

"If you really wanted something to use to keep your spoon germ free....could you not just use a side plate?"


.................more silence...........

"Nigel! I believe that the rubbish needs to be taken outside to recycling, can you sort it out please why we vote. There's a good chap."

............and so the spoon holder came into being.

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