Saturday, 29 March 2014

The Selfie.

From the original box brownie camera to the leaps and bounds made by Kodak developing film to the rapid advance in technology which means that every piece of technology from your phone to your food blender is capable of taking a picture.

Cameras have become digital, resolution is up to super-mega pixels so that we can take hundreds of pictures a day and send them round the world in seconds.

And now all of this advances in technology has left us with is the selfie.

The Selfie.

A photo you rake of yourself. Either by holding it at arms length and pointing it in your general direction, usually at a jaunty angle or by using a mirror in a dimly lit room to show your reflection.

Even Kim "please no publicity" Kardashian takes a selfie for more self promotion.

Even in public. Let's get friends to join in.

The Selfie is an act of class by a classy person as the fine example of womanhood, Nikki Minge.....or whatever her name is shows us here. I am impressed that Nikki shows us here an arse of planet like proportion and enjoys sharing it with the world.....or is it just a pathetic advert for her own brand of iPhone covers. Self publicity? Pan!

The selfie should of course be tasteful and artistic and not show a lack of class in any way.

Since celebrities support the selfless act of selfies shared with the world through the plethora of social media, it is only right that their devoted followers should follow their example of their beloved idols. Here, Justin Bieber shows his...errr...manly pecs and love of gaudy underwear and a worrying inability to tie his own trousers properly.

What next? ....celebrity selfies in onesies?

....damnit.....there's a website already...thank you 1D.

....and you wonder why the Chineese are raking over the world.



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