The UK government has decided that it wishes to give on the spot fines for the plonkers who ruin driving for the rest of us on motorways by sticking to the middle lane.
Why do these idiots think that when they are alone on a motorway, that they need to stick to the middle lane? Is the motorway not wide enough that they believe that they will be sucked off the side and thrown into the fiery pits of hell? How do they ever manage on a country road in Scotland I will never know.
As a calm responsible person, I have tried to educate some of these charming people in the past. Coming at them from the left lane and indicating to pull out behind and then overtake, I would then indicate left and pull gracefully back into the left hand lane and slow down waiting for them to overtake again and understand that the left hand lane is a place of safety......but no! They overtake in the middle lane and keep on going and not heeding my I repeat the procedure but then move off into the distance, in the correct lane, sad to think that they have not acted upon my example.
They also want to fine tailgaters. Magic. These idiots might as well be sitting in your back seat as you can almost smell their cheap cologne. They continue with their actions because they have never had an accident......they have probably caused thousands as drivers spend their time fearing what is happening behind and fail to see what is happening in front.
I don't think that the government has gone far enough.
People who continually use their horns should be locked in a dark room with them blaring for 48 hours. Boy racers honk at each other as a greeting whilst the rest of us panic taking it as a warning that something is about to hit us.
People who don't indicate because they work on the natural assumption that everyone else knows exactly what they mean to do or because they can't be bothered as hey are too busy texting at the time.
I would like to see those rotating guns from the millennium falcon placed at the middle of roundabouts so that abusers can be blown up and their mangled wreckage left at the roadside as a warning to others.
People who choose the wrong lane at roundabouts and decide to weave in and out cos they can't be bothered to read the three road signs before the roundabout. They should be sent to Los Angeles and left in the middle of a seven lane highway on foot.
People in traffic jams who think that because one lane is moving half a mile an hour quicker that they simply MUST move into it only to find that they simply MUST move back in fifty feet to the previous lane. They can't be British, surely! We all love a good queue as it gives us something to moan about. Even if the world is about to end, queues have protocol.
I think that if the police are going to fine these people....I INSIST that they use a compulsory taser on them first. I think that would be a much greater deterrent than a fine.
"Come out of the car please sir."............this will only take a moment.......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT!