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Wednesday, 26 June 2013

So THAT's where all the sluts are!

Just reading the article in the paper about the "Instagram Slut Shaming" riots in Gothenburg.
The fact that school kids set up their own website to shame alleged promiscuous classmates caused a riot at sentencing is interesting.
I thought that their business or economics teachers might be looking to award them a "young Enterprise" award.

I live in Essex.

To be perfectly honest, there are many girls from this area who are concerned that they never made the list as they thought that their reputations had made it onto the continent.

With a simple keystroke or two and a photograph to back it up, you can character assassinate anyone. It is good to see that something is being done to prevent this. It won't stop others from being as stupid.
In the bad old days you would just shout "slut" loudly as they passed. Now you can put it in bold letters and a large font on the Internet and add 101 other insults and in that you.

Whilst most people are incensed by the idea of a "slut directory" others will be thinking about how it is a good idea and will be off to start their own....."cos that's Sweden and nobody's gonna tell us off over here are they?"

I can see  a few names and faces passing across your mind as you read this.
Mutton dressed as lamb....yes
Recently divorced and drinks a bit....yes!
Tried to chat you up at the office party..........hell yes!

...just don't press send!

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