Freedom of speech and expression! That's what makes us Great Britain. Islamic fundamentalists, neo Nazis, the BNP and others have freedom to live amongst us express their views and beliefs as long as they do not infringe the laws that we have or threaten violence towards us.
Then we reserve the right to send you out of our country, the country that you hate so much, You hate it so much that you get expensive lawyers to demand the right to stay in the country who's views you despise.
Hitler had it all wrong. Rather than plan an invasion of England, he should just have got a pre easy jet flight over here and moaned and complained about how Jews, by existing were infringing his civil rights and we could have stopped the Second World War. Give him a soap box in Hyde Park and a slot on the Jeremy Kyle show and he would have been fine.
I loved the fact that after Obama's recent visit to China, that the Chinese interweb Gestapo were trying to ban access to some of the cartoons on the Internet at the time.
How can you not love the comparison between world leaders and Winnie the Pooh? By exchanging the tanks for rubber ducks, does that not show the ability to laugh at yourself, an attribute that we British have in abundance.
Nowadays, within minutes of a world tragedy, black humour appears all over the Internet, on tweets and face to face in pubs and the playground. It may not be sensitive or politically correct but we do it.
Hell!, that was how our forefathers survived the Blitz. "The Dunkirk spirit" and all that.
China - get a life. Try might just like it.
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