Up on the Tyne, at St. James Park if we can call it that, Joe Kinnear's is attempting to "airbrush" himself in to Geodie folklore.
To go on national radio and make claims about what you did when you were last at the club may seem a little Like "Jose" ........unfortunately most of Joes claims were factually incorrect.
In some cases he has gilded the Lily...like saying that he has managed all over the world (UK and Nepal don't automatically allow for the word ALL to be used.
In other cases he is factually incorrect.....like signing Tim Krull, the keeper whilst he was there before...er no....Graham Souness signed him two years before ou got there.
...and in some cases down right lying.....like saying he had won manager of the month three times.....when he had in fact won it only once.
I know he will be able to count on the support of the players such as Hossem Ben AFRO and Johan KEBAB.......well he will onc the claims from the race relations board have been dealt with.
Joe would appreciate it if journalists would stop persecuting him as he was the only Brittish manager to win the Champions league for five consecutive years......
Hw can always count on the support of the loyal Geordie fans.........well not really now that he has said that they ar not as clever as he is.
I don't think he has managed to upset the kit man and the tea lady....but you can't be perfect.....don't worry hough....Joe has got them on his "to do" list!
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