Not the wedding anniversary or the getting engaged anniversary, but the having started going out second time ('cos the first time lasted 3 months -she dumped me) anniversary. All due to the dreaded kidney stone. We had already prepared the auxiliary chicken run for the 4 new ex-battery chickens that we were giving a new home to. So Sheena said " why don't we go and buy each other a baby chick for our anniversary?"
She had been in love with the concept of particular breed of chicken which laid blue eggs. We had two last year. Florence had medical problems and passed away and Kiev, well, Kiev wasn't a chicken so was therefore useless on the egg front and eventually was out foxed!
We drove to chicken lady and her small house with the large acreage of chicken, duck, goose, goat you name it in her back garden. "What would you like today?"
"Can we have three chicks please?" said my wife. ......THREE..let me see I buy you one, you buy me one and that means....that means...SHE's HAVING AN AFFAIR! That's what my maths worked out.
"We've also got broody bantams so can we have some eggs please?" " Three or five," said I. In the chicken world they need an odd number. Chicken lady said so so it must be true! "Five!" she said.
There's no holding her back when she starts.
When walking back to the car I pointed out that we only came for two chicks, "I remembered three from somewhere." she said
Sadly our broody bantams did not take to the new chicks, so my wife and daughters decide that in order to keep them alive, they would incubate them somewhere warm and motherly.
Thus three sets of bosoms were filled with baby chicks. The cheeping slowly stopped, eyes closed and happiness and sleep ensued.
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