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Saturday, 11 May 2013

The baby chick diary.

Dear diary, Woke up, fought my way outside of  confinement in egg to freedom only to find I had been confined inside a larger oven with many other prisoners. Had meeting and formed escape plan.

Dear diary, The authorities have opened the door to freedom. Escape plan goes into action. The boys decide to stand still and practice looking good whilst we girls run and throw ourselves out of the incubator in a vain fluffy winged attempt to fly. Crazy Dave alone in the corner trying to peck a hole brought a metal floor. God give me strength.

Dear diary, Our escape plan has failed. The authorities captured us and placed us into solitary confinement, even though we are three.  We will huddle together and shriek our rage against the injustice.

Dear diary, the authorities have rehoused us next to a giant mass of ginger feathers and I shout the word "mommy." I am ignored. This means that slow lingering death will come shortly. This may be my last entry.

Dear diary, we have been split up again and imprisoned in a warm clammy place between large mounds of moving skin.  I have read Dante's Inferno and know that I am nearing the fires of hell. All is lost. Not long now. I will close my eyes and ignore the pain.

Dear diary, we have been put in a new cell with what I can only describe as having a heated waterbed which makes me seasick and I scream to let the authorities know but they do not listen. Does this cruelty never stop.

Dear diary, it is now dark and the authorities have left only one to guard us. We shall wait until she leaves us alone and then together in the dark we will sing the song of our forefathers.

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