That's all Sergio Garcia said. "I'll invite Tiger Woods over for some fried chicken." "Oh my god he's a racist!...." REALLY. Pardon my ignorance but is fried chicken the only thing that people of a certain ethnicity eat? Surely the Colonel must be a racist since all he makes is fried chicken. The Zac Brown band need to be taken into custody and hung at dawn for daring to release a song called "chicken fried"
I love the fact that another golfing figure said that Sergio had "lots of coloured friends." COLOURED!!!! BURN THE RACIST. It's like a Monty Python sketch or the moment in the Blues Brothers where the Penguin hits John Bellushi with a ruler for cussing resulting in more bad language and more slaps with the ruler.
Thanks to the media, we have been discussing this for days about how Sergio said the "N" scroll back...HE DIDN'T but it has been treated like he has. "Yes he didn't actually say the N word but we all know what he meant." REALLY! "Let's assume that's what he meant and keep a story going for days and make a celebrity squirm for good column inches."
He didn't use the N word. That word is reserved for the use Black American singers who want to tell the world about their n*ggers and b*tches! ......."OOOOH - HE SAID BLACK NOT AFRICAN AMERICAN -BURN THE RACIST!"
I come from a time when Agatha Christie wrote about Ten Little N*ggers or the phrase N*gger in the woodpile or to N*gger rig something or N*gger brown as a colour were common parlance. We never considered ourselves as racists.
As a child I used to collect the Robinsons jam tokens in order to get an enamel pinned golliwog badge. In the world of political correctness those disappeared overnight.
Did the Tiger say to the world "I have been racially abused?" No! But thanks to the media, the moral compass of the world we will conduct the public trial and provide the Judge, jury and witnesses.
Rather than fried chicken, maybe Sergio and Tiger should get together and watch Blazing Saddles, the best advert for the stupidity and ignorance of racism.
Mel Brooks, we thank you sir.
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