Friday 31 December 2021

Party like it’s 2021…l

Don’t you just love leadership …. Or lack of.
Looking at all the facts Omicrom is not as lethal as Delta (the virus NOT the airline) but it does spread more rapidly….although 320 deaths yesterday says that we should still be concerned. 
It is amazing in our divided society that leaders can look at the same data and come to different conclusions. Scotland , Wales and Ireland have all closed up shop for the New Year.
The other is Boris and the fact that in England, you can party “cautiously”….. how does one party cautiously?
I understand that “the show must go on” but the numbers are growing. This time what we need to be aware of is the amount of people who will not be hospitalised but will have to isolate if found positive.

But what short term effects will it have on the NHS, the Police, Teachers, all jobs that can’t work from home. We need to avoid overload here so that we are unable to provide the services that we require to function.

……an oxymoron from a poxy moron

Sunday 5 December 2021