Friday, 12 April 2013

And this is supposed to be Easter...

Here I am, on my Easter, yes Easter break watching the rain come down as I look out my bedroom window towards the grass that needs cutting, patchy areas that need seeding and a chicken shed that needs opening so that my girls can get out and about.


Filled with yellow daffodils and yellow Easter chicks and sunlight........
Half the daffodils have not opened and the rest were flattened by the snow, Not one of my girls is feeling remotely broody so no chance of baby chicks there and as for sunlight....why has nobody put in a missing persons report?

Many years ago we were all told that with every aerosol spray squirt we were releasing CFCs into the air and killing off the ozone layer, the ice caps were melting, polar bears were drowning and Scientists were saying " I told you so" .......... So......being a bit more concerned about number one, where's my bit of global warming?
"Ah," says unnamed scientist in white lab coat, "that will be because what we actually meant was CLIMATE CHANGE!" ....

Calling it climate change and pointing out that our weather was actually going to get worse would have had a much GREATER effect on us.
What is the point in spraying on any more antiperspirant if it's not going to get warm enough to sweat?

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