Well Michael, I will give up my holidays if you will give up yours...the ones in combination with expenses paid fact finding missions. Yes cut down the length of the holidays so that parents have to take children out of schools at different times having complained about the long holidays so that they can get a cheap holiday.......of face the slow death of the tourist industry. and the master stroke of lengthening the school day so that after a 10 hour day, ( it means that the school refusers have more time to not attend school) only then can we go and prepare our lessons and do our marking so that we can't spend time with our own children.
Michel has decided that the answer is quantity and not quality in order to bridge the gap. Blame the teachers and fail to see that the problems have in fact been caused by Government and society.
As teachers we have to worry about the "I think I can win the lottery, play premiership football or win the x- factory as I believe I have talent so don't need to bother brigade" or the " I can get more money on the dole just like my parents so I don't need to bother brigade".
"But why are other countries doing so well in education?" you say. at least it keeps Daily Mail journalists in business and gives the great uneducated something to complain about in the lengthening dole queue. It also irks the not so talented when the "fear all foreigners" headline knocks the picture of Pudsey, the BGT dog onto page 6.
Michael, Michael.
Get behind us and gives us the weapons to fight the problem instead of shooting us in the back.
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