There it was. The sound of deep breathing coming from under the duvet. The lights were off and the TV flickered silently in the background. It was time to head under the sheets and push the wife's buttons. Once I had found the SKY remote, I turned up the volume and proceeded to surf through the endless, mindless sea of late night repeats, until I found solace in Billy Connolly's world tour of Scotland, an episode where he told the story of Bonnie Prince Charlie and his journey through Dumfries. Rather than kill the locals, he reportedly stole their shoes, an act that apparently still rankles to this day. The story was delivered at speed in the form of BonniePrinceCharliestolemafeckinshoes." ....and yet there it was....... The tiniest of sniggers coming from under the sheet combined with a small wriggle. Now Bonnie Prince was not the largest of men, in fact, the portrait of him on the shortbread tins was life size.........larger series of sniggers..........riding in to the villages on his horse with a cry of "whoa Lavender!".......uncontrollable sniggers in conjunction with uncoordinated convulsive body spasms.

Now whilst some have the ability to laugh a lady into bed, a wise man will use Billy to finish her off.
I found a clip on YouTube which contains a small part of the concert which you may safely use. I have replayed it under supervised scientific conditions and it had a similar effect. Good luck!
Click here
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