Sunday, 14 April 2013

Pets! Are they worth it?

What exactly is the point of pets?

You get a cute and cuddly kitten or puppy which licks you, loves you, falls asleep on your lap and does endless amounts of cute things.
They grow up with you, allow you to stroke them when you feel down and need love without conditions...well except for kitty or puppy snacks with a pitiful face at a later date.
Then they grow older and confident within their surroundings where they feel comfortable to steal YOUR seat or space in the bed and in some cases attempt to replace you.
They leave little messages of love that you can smell but can't see.
Through all this they manage to accumulate a small fortune in vets bills.
Occasionally they go missing for days or weeks leaving a huge hole in your life.
They do occasionally not come back and provide your children with a small ripple as to what their life's will be like once YOU go.
Pets, are they worth it?

You bet they are!

Remember. A pet is not just for endless hours of YouTube videos - a pet is for life!

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