Sunday, 14 April 2013

Technology is for the young!!

When do you have to admit that you are no longer one of us and have become one of them? 

Remember when you had to show your parents how to set the timer on their video recorder as they were terrified to go out in case they missed their favourite program?

Have you ever bought a small electrical product only to realise that the instruction manual is larger than the thing that you have purchased? .......and the fact that you have to speak 14 different languages to do so!

At least for blokes we get the Ikea manual which thankfully involves pictures.

It has now taken two days and a frustrated 21 year old  creative writing student super blogger of a daughter to unleash my rants upon the world....well nearly...probably me looking at my own blog 7 times as I fail to navigate out of my blog. Thanks to someone in Germany who is also probably over 50 and logged on by mistake.

Just hope that I wasn't quite so patronising to my parents with the video recorder.......nah...I think I probably was. "By setting the time here it reminds the video fairy to wake up and press play..." 

Technology is improving so fast that things are out of date by the time you get them home. 

"Gabi....what does URL stand for? .....Why do they call it a blog? Is it a B-log and if so what does the B stand for?" I suppose that's what life's like on the interweb. 

Computer stuff may be improving at an exponential rate....but bitchyness and sarcasm are forever!


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