Cliff Richard was right. It's so funny how we don't talk anymore. We do, of course communicate using a variety of other social media. The phone text. The bane of the teachers daily life. C U l8r soz lol, and we wonder why GCSE English grades are in decline. A recent Literacy mandate involved the concern that kids don't put capitals at the start of things .......... such as their OWN names but that capital B's make guest appearances in the middle of words for no apparent reason.......please can we maths teachers help.
I'll Facebook you later. Facebook seemed to me a site where many friends and colleagues would let you know that they were just opening a bottle of wine at the end of a hard working week. I still don't know why all of their friends needed to know every little mundane thing in their life. My wife is still hurt that I won't friend her on Facebook. "If I wanted to friend you dear, I would put down my ipad and roll over in bed and get you to do the same." Maybe if I friended her on Facebook first I could let her know to put her ipad down and save a lot of time.
Twitter. Facebook for the texting generation who can't really express themselves past 120 odd characters.
Blogging. "I like your blog" says Mrs Head of Maths to me. "It means that I don't actually have to listen to you when you go off on one, which you do regularly enough about the house."
So when was the last time you wrote a letter? I don't mean sending a cheque with your credit card bill or sending an overpriced birthday card with five words...Happy Birthday David, Love Susan. A real letter, filled with hopes and dreams and words that were not using predictive text or spell checked?
I rest my case. I had a heart attack when I asked for some second class stamps to send a birthday card. If that had happened on the same day that I bought a beverage in a coffee shop, I may have had to downsize my house as a result.
Kids today don't write, can't spell without help and use a text language that mutilates the Queens English and share their bland thoughts and life with other people who need to lol on a regular basis.
Imagine Postman Pat, who has had to have Jess the Cat sent to a shelter as he makes his way past the signs advertising BBQ's and Quiz Nites on the way to sign on. At least he knows when capital letters should be used. Soz.
Blog Archive
- Nerve gas.
- I'm Kim Jong Un, get me out of here.
- At least Communism had a five year plan!
- The Only Way is E-Sex!
- Weapons of Mass Destruction and why NATO can't fin...
- Postman Pat goes to the job Center.
- Don't shoot me, I'm just the teacher.
- You want me to pay HOW MUCH for a coffee?
- The Luis Suarez Vegan Cookbook.
- Michael Gove versus the world.
- How to satisfy your wife under the sheets......
- If terrorism is the answer it was a stupid question.
- Britain's Got Nutters!
- How technology helps the space race
- The 1978 Wimbledon Centre Court Riots
- Anyone want to love a teacher of Mathematics?
- And God made foxes..........why?
- Technology is for the young!!
- Pets! Are they worth it?
- And this is supposed to be Easter...
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