Blog Archive

Monday 10 June 2013

I'll' see your hairy legs......and raise you my smelly bottom.


Not the entire species, just the ones that live in my house. (It may be all women but since my experience is limited to these three I'd better be specific.) My razor. My MACH 3 razor, much loved and travelled. I failed to move forward with razors. After the twin blade and the MACH 3, I failed to make the leap to the quatro, the five blade or the rotating lawn mower or the next generation laser blasts your hairs BEFORE they pop through the skin.
It lives happily in the upstairs bathroom.  Well it did, until I found that had started to move on it's own. Only trouble was, IT WAS USED. A man would never think of using another mans razor. So why do my girls thing that it is ok to shave their legs (yuk) or arm pits (double yuk) or worse ( yikes), knowing that my ruggedly handsome face would be the next thing to use it?

My towel. The towel that I use after my bath or shower and hang up in the bathroom to dry....disappears, only to be found in the laundry bin a couple of days later with no explanation.

My socks. Blue socks. I bought 30 pairs all the same, as they were in a sale. Now I find seven in my drawer just having emptied the ironing basket onto the bed.

I appreciate the love, and sharing things with your father.........I would like to point out one or two things.
You complain about my smelly feet.
You complain about my toenails.
You complain about my smelly bottom
I'm off to bed, better moisturise first.

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